Religious Abuse or Fraud
Quick Tip Form

The following tip form will provide us with information which will help combat a growing problem of religious fraud from televangelists or fake religious investment schemes. Your answers will be kept confidential unless otherwise directed by you. The only mandatory information required is the ministry information, an email address and your tip of course; however, the more information you give us, the more it will help us with ongoing investigations and possible future changes to laws governing the airwaves and financial transactions. In case of difficulty filling out this form, you may email the Trinity Foundation at or call toll free 1-800-229-8428 and leave a message. The submission of this questionnaire will generate a printable page for your records.

We cannot investigate all persons or organizations listed as the perpetrators of the abuse described within these questionnaires.



April 18, 2024, 6:30 am

Ministry or Person Being Reported:  
Where is the ministry or person located? Please be as specific as possible.

Your Name (If you wish to remain anonymous, only leave your email address)
First Name:
Last Name:
Province / State:
Postal / Zip:
Phone: ( ) example: (123) 555-1212


Tip Information

Please provide as much detailed information as possible:

"I have reviewed my answers and comments above and state that they are true to the best of my knowledge and remembrance."   Yes No